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The E-commerce store may be reached by clicking on the link on my website home page-www.doctorjackson.org. Provided by The Designs for Health Company, I fully support and use many of their products with my patients. Now anyone can go on to the Designs for Health store and access any product they have without a referral from me. The nine different power or meal replacement bars alone are worth looking into since they are superior to any of the commercially available well known bars such as Powerbar, Cliffbar, Luna, The Zone or Adkins. There are protein powders made from whey or pea protein. Powders for young children. Medical foods for arthritis and the hole range of supplements one would find at a health food store, but these are superior to any you can buy and have my endorsement because they test as healthy and I use them with my patients, use them myself and for my family.