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Dr. Jackson's Web Health Directory is live and awaits submitters
Web Health Directory is a valuable resource is going to be a valuable resource for both doctors and patients. The directory has the interactive interface that allows users to evaluate and rank web sites listed.

The ranking system is based on the chess hierarchy. Newly registered users have the pawn rank. However as users evaluate web sites listed the rank is a subject to be change. The best quality sites eventually will have ranks of kings and queens. Web sites are sorted by the rank so that better sites always will take first positions.

Dr. Jackson welcomes all health related sites to get listed in the Directory. He provides users with three options. The first option is that a user pay $60.00 submission fee. Dr. Jackson evaluates this resource and lists it in the Directory. You do not need to start with the pawn rank! You pay using secure PayPal right after registration. Also Dr. Jackson activates evaluation facility so that other users can evaluate your site as well! Rank is growing? But remember, you can evaluate your site only once from a particular computer. This protects the Directory users from cheaters. The second option is even better. You place Dr. Jackson's ad button on you web site and then Dr. Jackson list your web resource for free. Be sure to send Dr. Jackson a confirmation with URL where you placed his button. Isn't it smart? You pay nothing but use all power of Dr. Jackson's Web Health Directory. Finally the third option allows you to get listed in the Directory for free but without evaluation option. What does it mean? It means that if you have a valuable web resource but you do not want to include Dr. Jackson's button in it and you are absolutely against paying a penny for such beautiful service that Dr. Jackson provides, your web site may be listed but there will be no way for you to increase your rank and be at the top of the listing. You will have the pawn rank and will be at the bottom of the listing until the moment when you change your mind and agree with either first or second option. It's never too late.

Good luck and happy registration!


Dr. Robert W. Jackson